welcome to geography!
Geography is the study of the physical and human environment. We are products of our environment and our environment is a product of us.
S2 Geography is mostly about having fun in the subject but also about learning the employment possibilities in the subject.
9 topics of Geography each with its own employment focus. You'll get an insight into weather forecasting, urban planning, map making and much more. There is also outdoor field work. This year we'll take you to Edinburgh for an open top bus tour comparison of the old and new town.
9 topics which all have an employment focus and links to options in further education. You'll be introduced to atmospheric studies, international development, land use planning and much more. There is outdoor fieldwork and this year we'll take you to the beach to do a scientific study the ecosystem there.
This course is equivalent to studies in first year of University and has as much basis in the sciences as in the social subjects. You will be involved in a three day residential trip to Millport Island. You'll get the opportunity to independently run your own fieldwork study. You'll carry out detailed map work analysis and learn the basics of career skills in diverse areas such as soil science, town planning, statistical analysis and more.